Seventh Week Of The Year!

This week, we dive into the soap opera lives of some of Atasiar's most prominent business owners, whose enterprises we discussed last week! I named these characters after a variety of positive influences (or drew their names out of thin air, I'm not telling, lol.) 

For fear of getting too soap operatic here, I included my first straight up adventure hook in the description. The matriarch of the clan has recently passed on, and her heirs want to hire an adventuring party to bury her in-land, instead of scattering her ashes to the waters as is traditionally done. But any PC passing a medium difficulty Medicine check should be able to determine that she didn't die of natural causes. I'm not sure whether I should keep writing this into a full adventure: perhaps I'll think about packaging it thusly once I'm done writing  at least the basics about this secret-filled family. 

One thing I really enjoy about writing descriptive power dynamics like this one is the way it more readily slips cultural cues into the story. While this family tree establishes the currents of power at work in the wealthy, influential Chakraborty family, it also fills in a bunch of background regarding Atasiaran society. From death rites to the rarity of refrigeration, to the class divide between the landed old families of Atasiar and the non-landowning immigrants, it's way easier to weave in these details in the form of a story rather than in discrete text blocks, at least when establishing the story (IMO, anyway.) At this point, I'm a little unsure as to whether I'm building a setting for a game or a novel, tho insert porque no los dos meme here.

Finally,  I wanted to inject a little color here for the family tree, and broke out the acrylographs (tho some are a little drier than I'd expect given their newness.) Hunh, I no longer remember why I put two leaves by Yunus Sr's name instead of one. I'll have to make a note of that once I finally do remember.

Alright, that's all for this week! I have to run and finish up my newsletter introducing my cover artist for Camp Elementa. I'm so excited!

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