Tenth Week Of The Year!

Another week late again, as I've been super busy with lots of things you can check out in my newsletter. Honestly, I should probably have taken a week off, but schedules are good, I suppose.

This week, we go into a bit of a deep dive past the surface of Cintra Chakraborty's scandalous marriages (as in Malaysia, the women of Atasiar do not typically change their names upon marriage) to discover the real reason she married Sol Labatt, the affable boat bum from places unknown. Turns out that Cintra does know where he's from and who he really is, and that her decision was guided just as much by business sense as any other concerns.

Sol's last name and the name of his boat are, indeed, little jokes of mine. I wanted to do a bit more with the illustration here but didn't have the time this week. The Blue Bat is a sleek yacht painted in dark, somewhat dull colors. Unlike many other ships in this milieu, its gangway comes out the back to facilitate quick turnarounds. This makes it very easy for them to roll off product then hit the waves again.

This week's entry also has a small adventure hook for GMs.  It can be easily expanded upon -- indeed, I hope to be able to do that at some future date myself. In the meantime, here are some sample reasons for the delay: an encounter gone awry with the Tumbaghar; the Labatt family have tracked him down and want him to come home; pirates; a mysterious fever after gathering ingredients in a remote swamp.

Alright, I have to go hit some deadlines and work on my tardy newsletter. Hopefully, my schedule will ease up a bit soon. Fortunately, I've already written at least two more weeks' worth of entries, tho have been hard pressed to illustrate them. Perhaps inspiration will strike before this coming Monday!

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